Monday, October 14, 2019

Travel and Tourism Essay Example for Free

Travel and Tourism Essay Inbound What is inbound travel? This is when people from other countries come and visit the up and all around the UK for a holiday or the purpose of tourism. For instance a person from Spain coming to visit the UK on holiday Domestic What is domestic travel? This is when UK residents travel around the UK for the sole purpose of tourism. For instance a person from Halifax going on holiday to Blackpool or Whitby The difference within the both inbound and domestic is that people from out of the UK come in to travel and become tourists in the UK and with domestic is when people travel around the UK for a holiday like going to Blackpool etc. A couple from china that would want to visit all of the main capitals in the UK. As the couple from china may have never visited the uk they would not know what to do like getting information or the best places for accommodation therefore I will be explaining everything where to get information from and where to visit. The United Kingdom has four main capital cities: London Edinburgh Belfast Cardiff The Chinese couple would wish to visit all of these main capital cities. When going to another country getting information is key about the city but about everything in general like getting information or finding out where to go the best places to stay etc. and good and an effective website because it has everything that an tourist would need the website is easy to navigate there are maps and brochures that the couple could print of and there is also an 360 degrees virtual map that they could use to get familiar with  London. They also have a customer’s service desk so that if the couple ever needed an information then they would be able to ring them Where to stay within time London has become very successful within the tourist business. See more: The issues concerning identity theft essay What to do? whilst London is an very modern and well developed the city still has its world renown heritage sites that tourists can visit there are over 2123 attractions that they could visit whilst they were in London these consist of the major attractions like the big ben tower of London or even the London eye all of these activities can be booked online and may be cost less than what it would cost to buy the tickets on the day. On the visit London website they do an attraction planner that the couple could download and print so that they can plan there whole activities and that they can get enough activities and attractions that they6 would need to. They are attractions for the couple to see that they may not have to pay for and that they can enjoy for free. The London nightlife in best in the whole country they have the best night clubs in the uk there so if the couple want to go out or if they don’t want to go to the clubs they can go on romantic dinners and there’ s spas all around London 5* Transport getting around London is very easy due to the many different forms of transport there are taxis there are trains cable cars buses and the tube theses are accessible all around the uk and they are very reasonably priced and they are not very expensive at all. For the couple the cheapest thing for them to get would be the oyster card this is an smart card that can be bought on the website and it can be used all around the uk and how many times they would want to it can be used on any time of transport. The couple can buy these cards online and they can also pay for these and they would get theses in advance for when they plan to travel London On the website visit London they have an whole link that shows disabled people how to access London quicker there are special tours that disabled people can access then there are the transport services there is help for them there and the fares are an lot cheaper every  attraction in London has disables toilets and easy accessible stairs or lifts that they would be able to access. For the customer service there is an 24 hour customer help lines that tourist can ring if they are in any types of trouble the number can be found on the visit London website there is also an map so that people don’t get lost their however they are tourist centres all around London so people can go in If they have an questions. There are many places where the couple could go if they wanted to save some money there are the free attractions around London like the museums etc. or if he couple decide to visit the uk on the visit London site there is an navigation below I have an image of the website its shows any types of special offers like discounts on theatre clubs or there is also an list of cheap hotel offers. The cost to vist the uk can vary depending on wwhere abouts in they would want to vistype of holiday for intance an romantic holiday ect below I am going to show the cost pof visting london for 2 nights 3 days Flights- £470 per person - £940 Hotels  £29 per night - £58 Ativities they are many things to do free activies and then they are the heritage sites 18.80 per person etc Food-shops all around of the uk MAXIMUM  £100 1175.5 Edinburgh Edinburgh is the the main capital city of scotland and is known for its amayzing senory and wonderfull countrey side is an tourist attraction that is normall like by maybe mnature people due to it being quite etc. To accsess information about edinbourgh there are so many sites and the sites are all very easy to navigate and there all really easy to acsess there is inofromation about everything on there like accomadation travel things to do etc one of the websites that I found very usefull and very easy to accsess was the vist edinbourgh website.on this website there was an navigation for everything and it was so eay to navigate there was also lots of pictures so we could see what the senery looks like. Becausde edinbourgh is an capital city and is very well known around the world there acomadation range is endless there is somethin there for everybody is ther couple wanted an romantic hotel or if they wanted an cheap budet hotel the hotels arte really easy to accsess and easy to book. Edinbourgh is an city which is mostly known for its countrey side and there are amny different ways to get around there on the visit london website there are naviagtions of getting around edinbourgh and also navigations about how to get around within edinbourgh there are maps and phone numbers for the toursts so they can accsess the information easlya nd they can plan there jurneys.the most used transport that is sued around edinbouirgh is foot most people prefer walking around edinbourgh however there are other forms of transport like cycling,buses and car hires all these are at an cheap price not to expensive There are many activites that are value for money and attractiosn that the couple could go to and not pay for and all of this activities are again found on the website the activites that they could do would be to vist the beaches or walk thorugh the hils or visit the parks and gardens or maybve the meusems or there are also the churches and catedrals however they are other activeities that may be just as fun where the couple may have to pay for like the edinbourgh zoo or thwre are castles,monetery history or they could vist an amazyinbg attraction called the real king marys with in edinbourgh is at an whole different range there are street markets or they are the shopping malls loctaed all around edinbourgh. Custemer service ceneters are located all around the city there are spread out all around the city there are some in the bus and train stationa dn in the shopping centers they are there to help people who may be struggleing or they are lost ther is also accsess to languge books so if the couple have any troubles then they can look through the books and they can also get help there. On all fo the activites there is easy accsaess like less stairs or there are ramps or even lifets there is also different types of accsess for intace if  there was an person who needed something like if they were on an wheel chair then tehyw ould be able to ask the hotel and they would get it there is an link for accses on the vist scotland website. Costs London to edinbourgh on train is  £18.50 per person with is  £37.00 Acomadation 2 nighst 3 days  £120 Activities- £150 Food and drink  £100 Overall cost  £407 Belfast Belfast is located in ireland and is an small but an capital city the city is known all around the world for its amayzing fesivals its picturess senery Because belfast is na capital city there are many diffret websites that the couple could use for information such as the visit belfast webite which was created ansd funded by the government the webite is accurate and everything on the site can be trused so if the couple would like to pay for they holiday before they went to belfast they could trust the website completeley also with the visit belfast website the couple would not ned to use any other website because there is an navigation for everything such as accomadation thing sto do and about belfast the wevbbsite I seasy to navigate and is very easy to understand. Accomadation because belfasrt is not an very big cit they will be an good range however the range wont be as big as it would be in london or edinbourgh and the range they have there is something there for everybody there is the bed and breakfirt there are the romantic hotels and there is something to match everybodys budget.all the couple would have to do would be tio visit the website â€Å"visit belfast† as they can find the range of accomdation. Getting around belfats most people would tend to use foot and if the couple would want to walk around belfast then they would be an seris of maps that they could download and print out or if they would not prfer to wlk then they could go around by taxi or bus or if they would prefer to hire out there own car all they would need to would bring there valid driving licince. Because belfast is an capital city there are custemer service  centers located all around th ecity so if people are lost or in trouble or even want vbasic information they can go in to the custermer service centers however there is an alternative ther can ring the custermer service phone line which is 0 118 500 it also shows number for the emargency services. Things to do in belfast belfast is full of fun educatiinal and amazying things to do there are shopping centers maybe the best in the uk there are asttractions such as the titanic in belfast they have got the titanic tourss,titanic pump and the titanic boat trips abnd the titanic resturants this is all bcuase that’s whtas blefast is known for and its eductaional and intresting if th ecouple would want something different they have alwatys got there famous fesitvals that they could watch freom the free side.if the coupel are luking for an budget holiday they can click on the butten that would say budet and they would find all sorts off amazying activites and attracttiobns that they could do like the botanic gardons or the belfast within belfast is one of th bes in the countrey there are resurants alll over there are budget resturants but also very well preserver historic howver they would be an bit expensive so the couple do have na range according to there budget. Costs Edinbourgh-belfast onplane is  £20 per person with is  £40.00 Acomadation 2 nighst 3 days  £100 Activities- £100 Food and drink  £150 Overall cost  £380.00 Vsist cardiff Wales Capital city youll find unique attractions, top class entertainment and quality shopping with a difference all within walking distance. Innovative architecture sits alongside historic buildings and Cardiff Bay offers entertainment for everyone. Information on Cardiff is very easy to find because eat is an capital city however not every website can be trusted therefore I have chosen to use one website why I know this website can be trusted because it is an website that Is funded by the government therefore the information is correct if the couple would want to plan their whole trip  they could use this whole website except for the travel which they would have to use an website such as easy jet or Thomas cook etc. The website is called visit Cardiff it is very easy to understand and easy to navigate Accommodation the accommodation range within Cardiff is very varied there are 5* or bed and breakfast there is again everything according to the couples budget the hotels can be found according to their star and the hotels are very easy to use and to book and again the website is very secure, however there is an smoking law where none of the couple if they do smoke cannot smoke within the hotel they will be an smoking shelter for them to smoke in. Travel-there is many ways to travel around Belfast there are coach’s buses. Trains walking and they can hire cars the travel system are all very easy and very easy to get hold of if the couple would choose to walk there are maps that they could download and use. There are tourist information centres all around the city so that if the couple so need anything they can drop in to the centres of course free of charge and ask the information about everything and anything there I also an number that the couple could save and whenever they need anything they can ring the number the customer service helpline is an 24 hour website and can be used by anybody .Another way they could get information is if they email the centre regarding any quires and the centre will get to back to the couple as soon as possible. Things to do in Cardiff there are many different places that they could visit in Cardiff and they would never be bored there are attractions for everybody and anybody. They could visit the Cardiff Bay is home to the new BBC Wales studios and is the filming location for Doctor Who, Casualty, Wizards vs Aliens Pobol y Cwm.or if they wanted to do some shopping they could visit the queens arcade this is an shopping centre famous all around the uk. Food places around the city are many there are expensive and cheap hotels they even hold the foodie events so people can try different foods from all around the world. Special offers or budget activities they can visit casinos or there are the sporting activities or even the wonderful castles that Cardiff has to offers so in the city there is something there for everyone and the couple would not get bored. Costs Belfast to cardiff onplane is  £30 per person with is  £60.00 Acomadation 2 nighst 3 days  £120 Activities- £80 Food and drink  £1400 Overall cost  £400 Overall cost for the couple to vsit the uk would be  £2362.50 this would inculde everything food activities travela nd accomadation. The couple from the use can come to UK to visit the main sporting even in the work the Olympics this is the ultimate sporting even that they would want to be a part of. There are man y different website about the Olympics that the group could use it’s an event for everybody and it is an event loved and visited by people from the whole world Information about London and the Olympics is very easy to find like anything that they would need the website that I have found and it is an very interesting website is the Olympics visitors guide on this website there is everything that the group could use to come to the uk and visit the uk however this is not only website there are much more website all they would need to type in would be London 2012 Olympics. Accommodation because this is an event from all around the world London tourist numbers will be at the highest there for accommodation may be difficult to find if it is left to last minute therefore booking in advance on websites wo uld be an good start the easiest and the most cheapest way that the group could accommodate would be if they rented out an house it would be an lot cheaper and it would be an lot closer to the Olympic park. Transport to get form the USA to the UK they would need to catch a plane witch would land in one of the airports. Getting around London is an little bot difficult because of all of the people it would be cheaper for the group to travel around London with either the tube or if they wanted to bus and to walk there is maps all around the city and also there is an virtual 3d map on the visit London website. Customer service there is customer service cabins all around the city and they will be more because of the Olympics it’s so easy to gather information and they could not have a problem with  the language anyways because they speak English Activates the main activity that they are going to do is visit the Olympics however in their spare time there is many different things within London so that they can do there are the nightclubs or there is historical attractions like the tower of London or they could go shopping to shops like Selfridges etc. there are food places spread all round the uk for the group to visit and they are some of the restaurants that are really cheap. Total cost per person 1 week flight from America to united kingdom  £1001 Group of 4 people would cost each person  £100 Olympic seats  £1500 Food- £150 Other activities  £100 Getting around  £150 Total cost  £3001 A family wanting to visit a theme park There are many different theme parks that the family could visit there is an whole verity like flamingo lad, Alton towers, pleasure land, Thorpe park and much much more. The theme park that I am going to chose is pleasure beach Blackpool. The reason why I have chosen pleasure beach Blackpool is because there is rides there for everybody there are rids for children and adult also there is a beach close by that they could visit Access to information is so easy the actual pleasure beach website is really good there is information about everything rides food places prices etc. Because the family are going for a day visit they would not need accommodation Transport there are many different ways of getting to Blackpool however because they live in the UK they are UK residents they may be a chance that they drive to Blackpool or if they want to they can get the train instead. Accessibly there is all of that around the park like push chairs so that parents could push their children around th ere are many different perks like being told in advance they can sort out extra attraction so there is something there for everybody. Customer service there is centres all around there is also some within the theme park and there is a big information centre at the entrance of the theme park where there is information about everything. Cost there are family tickets that would be available for the family to UK which would be a lot cheaper than the separate tickets  £64 There is many activates they can do with blackpoll as well as the rides there are activities that they can do like they can go to shows which are all so cheap and gift shops etc. or they can go out on to the beach which is free of cost and they would not be paying for anything at all. Total cost Travel  £50 Food  £50 Tickets  £64 Other costs  £100 Total Costs  £264 A couple who want a quite stay at a city Edinburgh Edinburgh is the the main capital city of scotland and is known for its amayzing senory and wonderfull countrey side is an tourist attraction that is normall like by maybe mnature people due to it being quite etc. To accsess information about edinbourgh there are so many sites and the sites are all very easy to navigate and there all really easy to acsess there is inofromation about everything on there like accomadation travel things to do etc one of the websites that I found very usefull and very easy to accsess was the vist edinbourgh website.on this website there was an navigation for everything and it was so eay to navigate there was also lots of pictures so we could see what the senery looks like. Becausde edinbourgh is an capital city and is very well known around the world there acomadation range is endless there is somethin there for everybody is ther couple wanted an romantic hotel or if they wanted an cheap budet hotel the hotels arte really easy to accsess and easy to book. Edinbourgh is an city which is mostly known for its countrey side and there  are amny different ways to get around there on the visit london website there are naviagtions of getting around edinbourgh and also navigations about how to get around within edinbourgh there are maps and phone numbers for the toursts so they can accsess the information easlya nd they can plan there jurneys.the most used transport that is sued around edinbouirgh is foot most people prefer walking around edinbourgh however there are other forms of transport like cycling,buses and car hires all these are at an cheap price not to expensive. There are many activites that are value for money and attractiosn that the couple could go to and not pay for and all of this activities are again found on the website the activites that they could do would be to vist the beaches or walk thorugh the hils or visit the parks and gardens or maybve the meusems or there are also the churches and catedrals however they are other activeities that may be just as fun where the couple may have to pay for like the edinbourgh zoo or thwre are castles,monetery history or they could vist an amazyinbg attraction called the real king marys with in edinbourgh is at an whole different range there are street markets or they are the shopping malls loctaed all around edinbourgh. Custemer service ceneters are located all around the city there are spread out all around the city there are some in the bus and train stationa dn in the shopping centers they are there to help people who may be struggleing or they are lost ther is also accsess to languge books so if the couple have any troubles then they can look through the books and they can also get help there. On all fo the activites there is easy accsaess like less stairs or there are ramps or even lifets there is also different types of accsess for intace if there was an person who needed something like if they were on an wheel chair then tehyw ould be able to ask the hotel and they would get it there is an link for accses on the vist scotland website. Costs London to edinbourgh on train is  £18.50 per person with is  £37.00 Acomadation 1 week  £200 Activities- £150 Food and drink  £100 Overall cost  £487

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