Saturday, October 26, 2019

Teaching Philosophy Statement :: Teachers Education Essays

Teaching Philosophy Statement Education is an experience that will contribute to all aspects of one’s future. The process of that experience is a long progression that should be a positive era in one’s life. Receiving an education should be an enjoyable experience, one in which when you look back and reflect on it you feel that your time was well spent receiving it. A person should learn how to think critically and for them self. They should learn to be an individual not always comply to other people’s opinions. A philosophy of education should be established so that one may understand and articulate the decisions made in the school and classrooms. The overall purpose of education is to not only to prepare children intellectually but also emotionally, socially, and physically for the world that awaits them. It is important that students develop in these areas of maturation. In today’s society almost every job requires some sort of education. As an educator I hope to connect with students and motivate them to acquire such an education. I hope that my students learn to appreciate the benefits of physical fitness and also learn that it can be fun, as well as challenging. I am majoring in k-12 Physical Education and Athletic Training. I plan to teach at the high school level while also serving as the school’s Athletic Trainer. Idecided to also be a physical education teacher because I want to connect with the children not only through athletics but also through the classroom. I want to be not only a teacher but also a positive role model for the children, someone they can come to in a time of need. Since my classroom will more than likely be in a gymnasium I will not be able to determine how it is set up. However, I will be able to determine where the children sit during class time. The children will be in lines parallel to each other for stretching before activity begins. Each week a new person will come to the front of each line to lead the stretches, and the person that was at the front the week before will go to the back.

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