Tuesday, October 8, 2019

How Technology Alters the Structure of Our Interests Essay

How Technology Alters the Structure of Our Interests - Essay Example In general, technology can be considered as the way in which methods can be used to solve problems, such as the use of tools, systems or machines. More specifically, the term can be used to apply to a collection of procedures, tools or machinery. For example, some of the more prominent recent technological advances could be considered, the internet, nuclear weapons and cell phones. The impacts that technology has on human civilization are many and varied. As humans continue to adapt and improve technology, these effects are likely to become more pronounced. An example of the way in which technology has changed human systems is that of the creation of the wheel. The wheel was one of the earliest forms of technology that was invented, and with this technological advance came substantial changes. Prior to the invention of the wheel, our ancestors travelled by foot, however, once the wheel was developed methods of travelling changed. In turn, this led to the development of further technology, such as the development of the animal drawn cart and later trains and automobiles. As our ability to move increased, so too did the rate at which cultures intermingled. Consequently, cultures became less distinct, and interests became more shared among them. The invention of the wheel did not simply change methods of doing a task, but also altered the way that human interest was structured. Travel changed from being an almost impossible task to something that was easier to accomplish. As a consequence, people showed an increased desire to travel which in turn led to the development of more efficient vehicles. At its heart, technology is change that leads to change. The effect that these changes have can be either beneficial or detrimental to the human race, or in many cases both. While advances in technology have been behind the initiation of many brutal wars through the invention of weapons such as guns, bombs and missiles, it has also resulted in the creation of life saving medical and scientific advances. One important aspect in the way in which technology affects humans is the impact that it has on human interests. Due to the broad nature of technology, this impact can best be understood by examining in detail a single technological advance, the manner in which this has altered human behavior and interests and extrapolate from this example to technology in general. One of the most significant innovations of the modern era has been that of the internet. As it was developed and improved upon, the internet has proven to be a way to connect people to one another, breaking down barriers of communication and significantly changing the way that people interact with one another. It has also had a large effect on businesses, introducing a new arena for marketing and sales as well as to determine customer interest. The internet has substantially increased the availability of information and the way in which people access it. The Development of the Internet In 1966 the first computer network was developed by the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). The network was designed as a defense project and was used for testing various concepts in computer science such as packet switching and routing, which were innovative at the time. ARPANET, as it became known, was highly successful, and the need to develop ways to link the individual networks together led to the development of an Internet Program. This program connected other networks to the ARPANET, and forms the basis of the Internet today . However, it wasn’t until 1974 that the term internet was first used, and at this time the word was simply an abbreviation

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