Sunday, November 3, 2019

Managing Corporate Culture Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10000 words

Managing Corporate Culture - Coursework Example The first chapter started off by defining culture, which is the acquired knowledge that people use to interpret experience and generate social behavior and the last chapter focused on performance management as a factor in the organization culture per se this chapter more directly aimed at the culture of overall societies and countries. Managerial leadership involves influencing others to direct their efforts towards the pursuit of specific goals. There are a number of factors across cultures that influence the way in which managers lead their subordinates. Some of these factors are personal values, risk preference, the manager's background, interpersonal skills and decision making. The challenge for HR professionals is to adjust positively to the culture of the organization. They have to choose path that reflect their corporate culture of the firm and attitudes of its people These contextual factors have had major implications for the Leading Edge organizations. But in responding to these pressures, they do not have a completely free hand; they are constrained by what has been called their 'administrative heritage'--the cultural and physical constraints on an organization (Bartlett and Ghoshal 1989). The degree of discretion, or strategic choice, an organization has will be determined to a large extent by leadership style, national culture, commitment to past and continuing strategies, the success of certain symbolic actions, and the nature of its systems and

Friday, November 1, 2019

Tate Modern Building Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Tate Modern Building - Essay Example However, Herzog and De Meuron a small Swiss firm won the honor of building the Tate Modern. The main reason they won was that their proposal wanted to retain much of the essential character of the building. The power station consisted of a huge turbine hall, thirty-five metres high and 152 metres long, parallel to it is the boiler house. The turbine hall has become a dramatic entrance area with ramped access, plus exhibit for large sculptural projects. The boiler house became the galleries, and are on three levels running the full length of the building. The galleries are in separate but linked blocks called suites, and on either side of the escalators. The Tate collection of modern art is displayed on two of the gallery floors, the third is devoted to temporary exhibitions. To the original roofline of the power station Herzog and De Meuron added a two-storey galls penthouse called a light beam. The top level of this houses a caf-restaurant with stunning views of the river and the City. The lower levels are members room with terraces on both sides of the building. The chimney is capped by a colored light, known as the swiss light, feature designed by the artist Michael Craig-Martin. The penthouse light beam and the Swiss Light mark the presence of Tate Modern for many miles. There are two basic views of the public environment: that the city s... hat district we are talking about is as follows: To place building relative to the street, have the doors relative to the sidewalk- are they convenient and frequent enough to support the type of activity desired on the street- and the architectural scale should have two components: the building should have a level of detail, variety and material quality that makes human interaction pleasant, and the building should compliment the character of neighboring structures. There is a very little difference that unites post-modernism but the rejection of strict modernism. Post-modernism represents a break-down in the modernist consensus and an opening of the door to different approaches to design. The hope of post-modernism lies in the sense of new possibilities combined with a willingness to learn from past architectural achievements. The problem is that it might become a self-enclosed culture of competing in- groups arguing about the use of smart historical references that no one else can understand or even see. An eye to publicity and self- promotion would not replace fundamental rethinking of the relations between architecture and society that includes the community and the users of the buildings as a vital part of the process of design. ( Modern Architecture,4) Basic Facts The total cost of construction was 134 million pounds. The construction manager: Schal, a division of Carillion plc. The architects were Herzog & De Meuron, Jacques Herzog, Pierre de Meuron, Harry Gugger and Christine Binswanger. The project and construction date was from 1995 to 2000. The site area: 3.43 Ha. The total floor area: 34, 500 square meters. The Tate Modern has a special exhibition suite of 1,300 m, an auditorium that seats 240 people, 2 cafes, 3 shops of 500, 300, and 150 square meters,

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Operational Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Operational Analysis - Research Paper Example The capacity of the kitchen as of current data show that the establishment can serve up to 9,600 meals per day (Purtell, & Wagner, n.d). With reference to the number of meals the establishment is capable of serving per day and the overall number of ready customers, it’s obvious that the amount the Town of Millbridge pays MMWC for meals served to one customer per week is not enough to sustain the establishment thus, the customers have to add own funds to the township incentive. In this case, the total amount the establishment spends to manage the kitchen and the cost of preparing the meals as per the above assumptions is as follows: However, the total cost of the fixed and variable items amount to $170,400 per week. In this case, the cost of one meal should be 170,400/(9600x7) = $2.54 in order for MMWC to break even without making any profit. The operations of the establishment as of problem 1 show that MMWC spends $170,400 per week in both food preparation and in kitchen maintenance and operations. If the establishment takes into account capacity increase from 9,600 meals a day to 10,400, MMWC will therefore spend 10,400x7x2 (the assumption that one meal is prepared at a cost of $2.0 holds) and amounts to $145,600. This operations’ capacity will take into consideration the current $36,000 in fixed costs and an additional $625,000 of equipment. Additionally, while the expansion of the kitchen is a viable strategy, investing in the kitchen equipment will incur 12% opportunity cost if the same amount was invested in another area besides the kitchen capacity. In order to establish MMWC options, the original breakeven level is $2.54 per meal. The current bidder offers $1.25 less from the original breakeven level making the new meal price $1.29 for the establishment to breakeven without making any profit. While it was originally viable for the establishment

Monday, October 28, 2019

Themes in Othello Essay Example for Free

Themes in Othello Essay What are the major themes we have encountered in William Shakespeares Othello, so far in the play? Excellent wretch; Peridition atch my soul But I do love thee: and when I love thee not, Chaos is come again. - Othello. There are many complex themes in Othello; it is a play full of very diverse characters. This contrast of characters gives the text its many themes and in turn, makes it a very interesting and compelling play. Love Whenever I think of this text and its themes, there is one that always stands out in my mind; love. Whether it is the marital love between Othello and Desdemona, or the unrequited love Roderigo has for Desdemona, it is something that heavily features throughout this play. Where we see love most often depicted, is the love between Desdemona and Othello, and the problems it causes. Carol Thomas Neely supports this idea that marital love is one of the main themes in the play, and that because of this the primary conflict is between men and women. Jealousy It is clear to see that the fire behind numerous conflicts in this text is jealousy. It is one of the primary reasons that Iago is so persistent in his destruction of Othello, and why Roderigo is so willing to help Iago in his scheming ploys. In my opinion, Iago displays the most jealous tendencies right from the start, stemming from the fact that Othello chose Cassio for the job of lieutenant, and not him. I know my price, I am worth no worse a place. It might also have something do to with Iago thinking that Othello has slept with his wife; Emilia. I hate the Moor And it is thought abroad that Itwixt my sheets Has done my office. I know not if it be true; Yet I, for mere suspicion in that kind, Will do as if for surety. D. R. Godfrey examines the portrayal of jealousy in Othello, and states that Iago exhibits an all encompassing jealousy and because of this Iago becomes the most completely villainous character in all literature. Racism What a full fortune does the thick lips owe if he can carryt thus. This is one of the many racist slurs Iago uses when referring to Othello throughout the play. Othello is black, so I was expecting racism to be a relatively prominent theme, due to the time that this is set in. However, thick lips is a stereotypical view of someone from black origin, yet Othello is shown to be a hero; honest and honourable, which would have been quite startling to the Elizabethan audience, considering that black people in plays were always portrayed as villains. It is clear to see that Shakespeare challenges racial stereotypes right the way through this piece, something that Ruth Cowhig supports. She says that Shakespeares depiction of Othello as a noble character was challenging stereotypes. The majority of racism spoken throughout this text undoubtedly comes from Iago. Whenever he is talking ill of Othello, he refers to him as The Moor. Ruth Cowhig also writes about racism being another of the primary reasons for Iagos hatred towards him. Manipulation Iago makes manipulation another of the prominent themes. He uses it constantly in a bid to get whatever he wants, as a means of belittling people and to put a smoke screen up so that no-one suspects he has ulterior motives. The language he uses helps him manipulate people to the full extent. He comes across as very loyal and honest, even though the reading audience knows he is scheming. I should be wise, for honestys a fool, and loses that it works for Here, he is saying that being honest is a bad thing, and that he will not be honest again. Of course he is referring to what he has been telling Othello about Cassio and Desdemona. He manipulates Roderigo on numerous occasions, but no- one does he manipulate as much as Othello. Iago picks and picks away at him until he is so insecure he contemplates awful deeds. The consequences of Iagos manipulation become abhorrent in Act Three, Scene Three. Avaunt, be gone: Thou has set me on the rack: I swear tis better to be much abused, than but to knowt a little. Othello comes across as a broken man, and its all down to Iagos manipulation and lies. Kenneth Muir believes that the reason Othello believes Iagos lies so easily, is because he is already insecure and allows himself to be influenced by him. The four themes I have chosen to write about; Love, Racism, Manipulation and Jealousy, in my opinion, best display the texts complexity. It is a piece full of characters that, at some point, will display at least one of these themes. Shakespeares use of these themes and how he applies them to each character has made Othello one of the greatest pieces of literature ever to appear in the literary world. I am not what I am. This extremely provocative quote by Othello sums up not only himself, but much of the play as well. No-body is completely as they appear, thus bringing up the question of what exactly is Iago? An avenging angel possibly, come to show people their true selves? Bibliography Othello: Jealousy. Shakespeare for Students. Ed. Marie Rose Napierkowski. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale, 1998 Othello: Race. Shakespeare for Students. Ed. Marie Rose Napierkowski. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale, 1998. Mabillard, Amanda. Othello Analysis. Shakespeare Online. 19 Mar. 2000. Word Count- 988 words. Samantha Gibson Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Teaching Philosophy Statement :: Teachers Education Essays

Teaching Philosophy Statement Education is an experience that will contribute to all aspects of one’s future. The process of that experience is a long progression that should be a positive era in one’s life. Receiving an education should be an enjoyable experience, one in which when you look back and reflect on it you feel that your time was well spent receiving it. A person should learn how to think critically and for them self. They should learn to be an individual not always comply to other people’s opinions. A philosophy of education should be established so that one may understand and articulate the decisions made in the school and classrooms. The overall purpose of education is to not only to prepare children intellectually but also emotionally, socially, and physically for the world that awaits them. It is important that students develop in these areas of maturation. In today’s society almost every job requires some sort of education. As an educator I hope to connect with students and motivate them to acquire such an education. I hope that my students learn to appreciate the benefits of physical fitness and also learn that it can be fun, as well as challenging. I am majoring in k-12 Physical Education and Athletic Training. I plan to teach at the high school level while also serving as the school’s Athletic Trainer. Idecided to also be a physical education teacher because I want to connect with the children not only through athletics but also through the classroom. I want to be not only a teacher but also a positive role model for the children, someone they can come to in a time of need. Since my classroom will more than likely be in a gymnasium I will not be able to determine how it is set up. However, I will be able to determine where the children sit during class time. The children will be in lines parallel to each other for stretching before activity begins. Each week a new person will come to the front of each line to lead the stretches, and the person that was at the front the week before will go to the back.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Reliving a Memory through a Successful Narration Essay

People weave hundreds of stories throughout the course of their lives. Most of them are experiences that brought fear, embarrassment or changes in their lives. More often than not, these stories are shared with other people in one way or another. Telling a story can be done through several ways. You can re-enact the scenario to tell a story. You can utter words that describe the incident or you simply can put words into writing to form a narration. Before you put your story into writing, there are two things that need to be done: visualizing and planning. Prior to writing your narration, you should visualize the story. You yourself should be able to relive the scene in your mind to help you in coming up with the right words to describe the scenario. Then, you should plan on how you going about your story. Each part of your story is preceded by another. You should be able to prepare on how you would relate the previous scenario to the current one. Once you have visualized and planned for your narration, you are now ready to put your story into writing. Writing a narration involves a series of steps that could help the writer create a vivid picture of his experiences in life. Only when the reader is able to form clear mental images of each scenario can the narration be considered successful. The first step involves choosing the important details. You should only emphasize on important points of your story. Minor details should simply be de-emphasized or removed entirely. If you are telling about the time you won the lottery, then you should not dwell into details about the dinner you had before find out your win. You should only give emphasis on your initial reaction, on the reaction of the people around you, and on how you planned to spend your winnings. The use of a chronological order comprises the next step. Oftentimes, the best stories are told in the order in which they occur. This order helps the reader better understand the story as it unfolds. Centering on conflict is what the third step tells the writer to do in order to weave a successful narrative. These conflicts may either deal with inner dilemmas or with another person. It may also include conflicts with an impersonal outside force. In each story revolving around a conflict, the resolution of the conflict marks the end of the story. Showing the reader what happened is the fourth step. It is usually better to give the readers a visualization of the significant moments in the narration rather than telling the story. You can do so by using a detailed description of the event and each character participating in that even. However, using a dialogue has the strongest effect on the reader that it does not only make the reader see what is happening. It also makes the reader feel the emotions in the story. The next step involves making a point. It is simply important to have a point that would rationalize the existence of your story. You should present your point using a sentence. Telling a story can be done in various forms. However, one of the most common forms involves writing. Putting your story into writing is simple however making it a successful narration entails extra work. In order come up with a vivid picture of your story, there are steps which could be followed to ensure that the reader do not only see but also feel the emotions in the story.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Peggy Hettrick Essay

The Peggy Hettrick case has been a cold case for decades. The case from 1987 has been a mystery. August 10, 1998 Timothy Masters was charged for her murder. Timothy was released and charges were dismissed on January 22, 2008. The roles in this case were hard to follow. The prosecutor who has the role to present the state’s case against defense had to prove that Timothy’s knife collection, his drawings, failure to report seeing body, and the time frame of the crime was reasonably why he was the suspect in the murder of Peggy Hettrick. The police took several years trying to build a case and didn’t come up with much. Timothy Masters’ defense attorney, who has the job of representing the accused and to prove him innocent. They petitioned new trials due to the fact of lack of evidence. The original trial did not have the DNA and the defense attorneys had not been informed of other suspects. One of the other suspects was Richard Hammond. Richard Hammond also ha d a prior record of filming females in 1995. Hammond’s place of residence was 100 yards from the scene of murder with his bedroom facing the scene. Hammond committed suicide two days after arrest. The evidence of the prior suspect and reports from experts that said Masters was not guilty was enough for a judge to allow a new trial. The judge, who has the role to ensure justice and holds the ultimate authority and is responsible for balancing the rights of the accused and the interest of society, ruled that with all the evidence that was withheld a new trial would be allowed. The new trial found Timothy Masters not guilty and released from jail. Later the judges ruled in wrongful conviction and Timothy was granted millions. The roles of the Prosecutor were not easy in this case. The prosecutor was given old evidence that really had no concrete. The police had only a knife collection, drawings, and a date of Masters Mother’s death to build a case on. Masters defense attorney had the hard job of proving he was innocent. They took several years to come across a judge that would hear their case about the police withholding evidence from them. They also helped Masters get the settlement he deserved for being wrongfully accused. The judge had to rule that the case could be heard and all the evidence to be consi dered. After the new trial with DNA the judged ruled Master’s innocent.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Nature vs. Nurture essays

Nature vs. Nurture essays The debate concerning 'nature vs. nurture' is one of three controversial issues argued when psychologists talk of human development. One side will argue the point of nature, saying genetics hold the key that unlocks human development. On the other hand, some will say the environment in which one is raised, or nurtured in, significantly influence development. However, neither side will put all the faith on one point, knowing that both contribute to development. 'Nature vs. nurture' opens the door for two other issues that are argued about also. The point that the 'nature' following side wish to convey concerns development and genetics. The theory follows the thoughts that a baby is born with the development programming present and will react to a situation in a certain manner because of genes passed from generation to generation. Regardless of what the baby is subjected to, it will react according to what its genetics have been developed to do, thanks to mom, dad, grandpa and everyone else up the family tree. 'For example, a theorist who emphasizes heredity and biology as the determinants of behavior might say a preschooler's imaginary friends are caused by the level of brain and cognitive maturity of the child'. (Craig, 1996) On the other hand, a theorist who leans toward the nurture theory might speculate that the child lacks a responsible caretaker or no sibling. A nurture theorist supports the thought of the environment a person is surrounded in directly affects development. One believes that the synapses that our brain makes at the time of learning are made then, not while in the womb. If you were to expand on that thought, one could say that we are forever changing if we are always adjusting to our surroundings. Once past this point, we go into two controversial issues. The first, 'continuity vs. discontinuity', is based upon the following questions. Does development occur when behavior is built continually on each othe...

Monday, October 21, 2019

History of Abortion Controversy in the U.S.

History of Abortion Controversy in the U.S. In the United States, abortion laws began to appear in the 1820s, forbidding abortion after the fourth month of pregnancy.  Before that time, abortion was not illegal, though it was often unsafe for the woman whose pregnancy was being terminated. Through the efforts primarily of physicians, the American Medical Association, and legislators, as part of consolidating authority over medical procedures, and displacing midwives, most abortions in the US had been outlawed by 1900. Illegal abortions were still frequent after such laws were instituted, though abortions  became less frequent during the reign of the Comstock Law which essentially banned birth control information and devices as well as abortion. Some early feminists, like Susan B. Anthony, wrote against abortion. They opposed abortion which at the time was an unsafe medical procedure for women, endangering their health and life. These feminists believed that only the achievement of womens equality and freedom would end the need for abortion. (Elizabeth Cady Stanton wrote in The Revolution, But where shall it be found, at least begin, if not in the complete enfranchisement and elevation of woman? ) They wrote that prevention was more important than punishment, and blamed circumstances, laws and the men they believed drove women to abortions. (Matilda Joslyn Gage wrote in 1868, I hesitate not to assert that most of this crime of child murder, abortion, infanticide, lies at the door of the male sex...) Later feminists defended safe and effective birth control - when that became available - as another way to prevent abortion. Most of todays abortion rights organizations also state that safe and effective birth control, adequate sex education, available health care, and the ability to support children adequately are essentials to preventing the need for many abortions. By 1965, all fifty states banned abortion, with some exceptions which varied by state: to save the life of the mother, in cases of rape or incest, or if the fetus was deformed. Liberalization Efforts Groups like the National Abortion Rights Action League and the Clergy Consultation Service on Abortion worked to liberalize anti-abortion laws. After the thalidomide drug tragedy, revealed in 1962, where a drug prescribed to many pregnant women for morning sickness and as a sleeping pill caused serious birth defects, activism to make abortion easier escalated. Roe V. Wade The Supreme Court in 1973, in the case of Roe v. Wade, declared most existing state abortion laws unconstitutional. This decision ruled out any legislative interference in the first trimester of pregnancy and put limits on what restrictions could be passed on abortions in later stages of pregnancy. While many celebrated the decision, others, especially in the Roman Catholic Church and in theologically conservative Christian groups, opposed the change. Pro-life and pro-choice evolved as the most common self-chosen names of the two movements, one to outlaw most abortion and the other to eliminate most legislative restrictions on abortions. Early opposition to the lifting of abortion restrictions included such organizations as the Eagle Forum, led by Phyllis Schlafly. Today there are many national pro-life organizations which vary in their goals and strategies. Escalation of Anti-Abortion Conflict and Violence Opposition to abortions has increasingly turned physical and even violent, first in the organized blocking of access to clinics which provided abortion services, organized primarily by Operation Rescue, founded in 1984 and led by Randall Terry. On Christmas Day, 1984, three abortion clinics were bombed, and those convicted called the bombings a birthday gift for Jesus. Within the churches and other groups opposing abortion, the issue of clinic protests has become increasingly controversial, as many who oppose abortions move to separate themselves from those who propose violence as an acceptable solution. In the early part of the 2000-2010 decade, major conflict over abortion laws was over termination of late pregnancies, termed partial birth abortions by those who oppose them. Pro-choice advocates maintain that such abortions are to save the life or health of the mother or terminate pregnancies where the fetus cannot survive birth or cannot survive much after birth. Pro-life advocates maintain that the fetuses may be saved and that many of these abortions are done in cases that arent hopeless.  The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act passed Congress in 2003 and was signed by President George W. Bush. The law was upheld in 2007 by the Supreme Court decision in  Gonzales v. Carhart. In 2004, President Bush signed the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, permitting a second charge of murder - covering the fetus - if a pregnant woman is killed.  The law specifically exempts mothers and doctors from being charged in any cases related to abortions. Dr. George R. Tiller, the medical director at a clinic in Kansas which was one of only three clinics in the country to perform late-term abortions, was assassinated in May 2009 at his church. The killer was sentenced in 2010 to the maximum sentence available in Kansas: life imprisonment, with no parole possible for 50 years. The murder raised questions about the role of repeatedly using strong language to denounce Tiller on talk shows.  The most prominent example cited was repeated description of Tiller as a Baby Killer by Fox News talk show host Bill OReilly, who later denied having used the term, despite video evidence, and described the criticism as having the real agenda of hating Fox News.  The clinic where Tiller worked closed permanently after his murder. More recently, abortion conflicts have been played out more often at the state level, with attempts to change the assumed and legal date of viability, to remove exemptions (such as rape or incest) from abortion bans, to require ultrasounds before any termination (including invasive vaginal procedures), or to increase the requirements for doctors and buildings performing abortions.  Such restrictions played a role in elections. At this writing, no child born before 21 weeks of pregnancy has survived more than a short period of time. Books About the Abortion Controversy There are some excellent legal, religious, and feminist books on abortion which explore the issues and the history  from  either the  pro-choice  or  pro-life  position. Listed here are books which outline the history by presenting both factual material (the text of actual court decisions, for instance) and position papers from a variety of perspectives, including both  pro-choice  and  pro-life. Articles of Faith: A Frontline History of the Abortion Wars: Cynthia Gorney. Trade Paperback, 2000.A history of the two sides and how their proponents developed deepening commitments during the years abortions were illegal and then after the  Roe v. Wade  decision.Abortion: The Clash of Absolutes: Laurence H. Tribe. Trade Paperback, 1992.Professor of Constitutional Law at Harvard, Tribe attempts to outline the difficult issues and why  legal  resolution is so difficult.Abortion Controversy: 25 Years After Roe vs. Wade, A Reader: Louis J. Pojman and Francis J. Beckwith. Trade Paperback, 1998.Abortion Dialogue: Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, American Law: Ruth Colker. Trade Paperback, 1992.

Sunday, October 20, 2019


The-3-Step-Formula-to-Getting-Your-Dream-Job Want a simple formula to attracting your dream job? Ryan Niessen over at CareerRealism breaks it down like this: Practical Value + Intrinsic Value = Total Perceived ValueWhat if your eligibility for the jobs you’ve always wanted  to wasn’t based on how valuable you are in the marketplace, or how many jobs there are, or your past salary? What if it was all about â€Å"Perceived Value†? Let’s break down the terms even more.1. Practical ValueWhat you do. Take the  example of a car, which drives, parks, has air bags, etc. For you, practical value is the skills that you have, like coding or architecture or content management or publicity strategizing or grant-writing or proofreading like a champ. You can still take measures to increase your practical value, like taking a class or getting a certification. Those things are real, and they matter!But! There’s also the subjective factor of your Intrinsic Value.2.Intrinsic ValueHow your prospective employe rs see you. To extend the car example, think of the difference between a Volvo and a BMW. They do the exact same things and have many of the same parts, but one is way fancier (and more expensive) than the other and functions as a status symbol. This is related to branding and perception, not to the actual practical worth of the car.3.  Total Perceived ValueSo how do you position yourself as even more valuable than you are? To boost your Perceived Value, cultivate an image of yourself with the following qualities:ExclusiveRareDifferentExcitingOriginalContrarianPopularBoast these qualities via your resume and cover letter, of course, but also show your employers you have the practical value they’re seeking and  the intrinsic value that will make them look good for hiring:Cultivate a poised, intelligent presence on LinkedIn and Facebook, and if possible, on your own website or blog.Don’t let your blog be a parking lot for your contact info- post your take on articles related to your field, write recaps of networking events or conferences, and maintain a friendly, professional social media presence to support it.â€Å"Authentically and confidently express yourself†- whenever you have the chance to take a stand on an issue, stand with it or against it thoughtfully and sincerely.This is all all within your control, and will produce a more confident, capable you on the other side. What boss wouldn’t love that?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

History of Culture tissue propagation Research Paper

History of Culture tissue propagation - Research Paper Example The period ranging from 1940s to 1960s marked the development of the improvements of the existing technologies already used and the new technologies. This led to tissue culture application in areas such as: cell behavior including metabolism, cytology, embryogenesis, nutrition, pathology and morphogenesis; clonal propagation; plant modification and improvement, product formation, and pathogen free plants and germplasm storage. The beginning of the 1990s indicated a continuous expansion in the vitro technology applications to the increasing number of species of plants. Cell culture has since remained a vital tool in the area of biochemistry and basic plant biology, agricultural biotechnology and molecular biology (Singh & Srivastava, 2006). This paper seeks to discuss the history of plant tissue culture, the development and significant information on plant tissue culture. The idea of tissue culture began as early as 1838 with the theory of the cell by Schwann and Schleiden. The very first approach of an experiment was tried vainly in 1902 by Haberlandt. After the success of Carrel with the animal cells, motivating results were attained on plant tissues in 1934 by Gautheret and the issue was solved independently in 1939 by White, Nobecourt, and Gautheret. The development of tissue culture was slowed since the new field only attracted few individuals. In 1954 however, the principal chapters of plant tissue culture were opened: there were studies on cell culture, tissue culture, expertness of vegetative propagation and organ formation, improvement of nutrients, growth of substances, application of pathological problems, and efforts to achieve secondary products. In 1966, Guha and Maheshwari initiated the androgenesis, as Kuster’s pioneer efforts on the protoplast fusion was brought about and exhumed innumerable investigations. Eventually for the last ten years, there has been a true explosion of plant tissue culture and currently

Friday, October 18, 2019

International Rsk Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

International Rsk Management - Essay Example â€Å"All trading systems should be aligned with the big picture. People need strategies that take advantage of macro tendencies to make good profits† (Tharp 1996). Their ultimate purpose is to be free to produce, invest and distribute what they desire, where they need, exist as long as they prefer, can move capital, workers and goods at will. Subcategories of these important freedoms naturally contain massive privatisation of public services and publicly held companies. Nothing must be debarred a priori from the market, genetic material or human body parts; foods, water, seeds, forests or air, art, music or sport. TNCs can generally stay above the law, even when they cause grievous damage to people and the surroundings. TNCs compute their achievements by 'shareholder value' and profit rates, which means the market cost of the company's stock. Some companies even buy up their personal stock to reason the market cost to rise. Cost-cutting, particularly through huge layoffs, is an additional way to enlarge shareholder price and loyalty to workers or to the communities where they occur to is a bye gone idea. â€Å"The United Nations (UN) claims there are now about 60,000 TNCs with half a million affiliates, but the ones to watch are the top one, two or five hundred. Of the top 100 economic entities in the world, 51 are corporations, only 49 are state owned. General Motors or General Electric is much larger than Saudi Arabia or Poland, and so on† (George 2000). The TNCs are continually in search of better market shares which they can get more easily by buying up other companies than by making new ones. â€Å"The three major international economic organizations are the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Trade Organization (WTO). The WTO emerged out of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1995; it is an arrangement across countries that serve as a forum for negotiations on trading rules as well as a mechani sm for dispute settlements in trade issues† (Krueger 2007). Equity market means the market in which shares are issued and traded, also during exchanges. Also recognized as the stock market, it is one of the largely vital regions of a market economy for the reason that it gives company’s access to investors and capital a slice of possession in a company with the probable to realize profits based on its future performance. Following are the important role, Development of the business and commerce: It affects the financial system of the country to a large extent. It is the secondary market: it provides the stock exchange where institutional investors and retail investors buy and sell the stocks. Brokers of the stock market: Brokers really perform the buy and sell instructions of the investors and resolve the deals to maintain the stock trading alive. Derivatives are agreements and can be utilized as a fundamental asset. There are even derivatives founded on weather data, f or instance the quantity of rain or the quantity of sunny days in a specific region. Derivatives are usually used as a tool to hedge risk, other than can also be utilized for speculative reasons. Derivatives play a helpful and significant role in risk management and hedging, other than they also pose

The war against ISIS will lead to World War III Essay

The war against ISIS will lead to World War III - Essay Example The militant group has been involved in mass killings, carrying out crucifixions, public executions among other inhuman acts. The United States is one of the nations that are in the forefront of fighting ISIS. Drone airstrikes have been carried out against ISIS. The undertaking has led to many questions whether the war against ISIS will eventually lead to World War III or not2. This dilemma is supported by the fact that the planned Christian genocide by the ISIS and the killing of hundreds of people with Jewish faith reflects thoughts of what had occurred prior to World War II. Households have also been stamped with the Arabic Letter N, also called the death stamp which means Nazarene, a repetition of what occurred to Jews during the Holocaust. This means that ISIS is taking a trend that occurred the same way as that before World War II started. The threat is real, and nations should come together to ensure the world does not suffer the same fate again. As Barack Obama of the United States puts it "America is not fighting this war alone." The war on ISIS should involve as many countries as possible so as to bring the militant group down3. In my point of view, the war on terror and especially against ISIS will not lead to WW III. This is because if the group is ignored and left to continue with its vices, more Christians and Jews will be killed which is a violation of human rights. The result is an increased level of hatred between Jews and Christians on one side and Islamic states on the other, a situation that will further fuel the chances of occurrence of World War III. Air strikes will lead to weakening the militant state, and its sources of funds will be destroyed which will delay the advancement of the group big-time. Leaders of ISIS have also been eliminated successfully during this strikes, and although the group has not been weakened to the core, there has been a lack of coordination among

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Alternative Courses of Action Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Alternative Courses of Action - Essay Example An example one has gone through in gathering and evaluating information from a number of sources prior to making a decision would thereby be presented as follows: As one was pursuing a Business Management Degree from 2007 to 2011, it was deemed crucial that to assist in supporting one’s academic requirements, there is a need to find employment where one’s knowledge, abilities, and skills would be appropriately used and developed. Finding the preferred job according to one’s academic background, competencies and skills that would fit the requirements of the position is an example of a situation that necessitates gathering and evaluating different options and where ones decision would actually depend on the organizations which would relay a positive response to one’s job application. After two years of studying, one sought possible employment in fields seeking positions that do not require specific educational qualifications but where minimum criteria could be immediately met. There were positions open for Care Assistants or for Customer Service Representatives. Since these two positions were preferred, these became one’s alternative courses of action: to choose applying for a Care Assistant job or to select a Customer Service Representative Job. To gather pertinent information needed to analyze these options, one searched online sources of job descriptions, average annual income, locations of employer, the skills and educational requirements. Both positions offer basically the same salary ranges ( £15,000 per annum) but the job descriptions and responsibilities are contrasting. Care assistants focus on â€Å"provides help and support to people with limited mobility or other care needs.


APPLIED MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS Questions - Research Paper Example c) Mathematical formulae for production system of The Village Inn Y1 a11 a12 a13 a14 X1 Y2 = a21 a22 a23 a24 x X2 Y3 a31 a32 a33 a34 X3 X4 It could be assumed that, Y1 = buttermilk pancakes Y2 = Skillets Y3 = Crepes Thus, X1 = Milk, X2 = Butter, X3 = Wheat and X4 = Eggs Lastly, aij are the weights that are associated with each input for the production of each item and, their values range between 0 and 1; i, j = 1 ... 4 d) According to the Law of Diminishing Returns, the productivity of a factor with other factors remaining unchanged tends to diminish over time. In the above example, if any of the components are added in excess of the rest, they cannot help in producing an extra unit of output, so that increase in quantity only diminishes its productivity. Answer to Question 2 a) A department store generally deals with a large number of items under a single roof and simultaneously has to employ a large number of salespersons. In this case, productivity of each employee implies the add itional number of commodities that the person is able to sale over time. In order to calculate the average productivity per employee thus, it is necessary to calculate the gross sales that the company made and divide it with the total number of transactions. b) Technical efficiency implies the efficiency with which inputs could be converted into output. Normally, the greater the volume of output that could be created with a given volume of input, higher is the efficiency of the concerned firm. In retail stores, this could be implies by the speed with which the sales are taking place. An ideal method to measure the same could be through estimating the number of days that a commodity stays in the inventory shelf. If the number of days is found to be higher than the average, technical efficiency of the company might be regarded as falling and vice-versa. Moreover, greater the technical efficiency is, lower is the per unit production cost incurred and greater is the profit generated. c) Economic efficiency is the extent to which the retail store can compromise their shelf space occupied by one commodity with that of another. In order to optimise the same, it is very important for them to be informed about the commodities which are highly demanded compared to those which are not. In case that they are able to make the substitution successfully, i.e., there is Pareto Optimality, the average cost of the company falls and its profit rises. Answer to Question 3 In the present case, the retired couple have to capture a part of the market that is largely served by the nearby chain restaurant. However, the difference between the two is that while the couple plans to establish a lunch-only restaurant, the nearby chain is a full-fledged one. Thus, the strategy that they must be adopting should be that like an oligopolistic market, where their strategies should be highly dependent upon the ones being adopted by the existing players of the industry. Four economic factors that they need to consider while determining their pricing strategy are – Firstly, the market is characterised by another major player who is already experiencing the advantage of being a first mover. Generally, in an oligopolistic

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Alternative Courses of Action Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Alternative Courses of Action - Essay Example An example one has gone through in gathering and evaluating information from a number of sources prior to making a decision would thereby be presented as follows: As one was pursuing a Business Management Degree from 2007 to 2011, it was deemed crucial that to assist in supporting one’s academic requirements, there is a need to find employment where one’s knowledge, abilities, and skills would be appropriately used and developed. Finding the preferred job according to one’s academic background, competencies and skills that would fit the requirements of the position is an example of a situation that necessitates gathering and evaluating different options and where ones decision would actually depend on the organizations which would relay a positive response to one’s job application. After two years of studying, one sought possible employment in fields seeking positions that do not require specific educational qualifications but where minimum criteria could be immediately met. There were positions open for Care Assistants or for Customer Service Representatives. Since these two positions were preferred, these became one’s alternative courses of action: to choose applying for a Care Assistant job or to select a Customer Service Representative Job. To gather pertinent information needed to analyze these options, one searched online sources of job descriptions, average annual income, locations of employer, the skills and educational requirements. Both positions offer basically the same salary ranges ( £15,000 per annum) but the job descriptions and responsibilities are contrasting. Care assistants focus on â€Å"provides help and support to people with limited mobility or other care needs.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Marijuana and students Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Marijuana and students - Research Paper Example My comments are on the use of punctuation and absence of thesis of the paper. A thesis will provide the supporting claims for the paper. I also suggest creating better transition sentences, where it is clear what the claims are. Marijuana is the top illegal drug of choice for students in the United States and other nations, such as Ireland, Belgium, Czech Republic, and the United Kingdom (Duarte, Escario, and Molina 90). Johnston et al. (2005) discover in their 2005 survey that the average incidences of cannabis use in the U.S. â€Å"for eighth, tenth and twelfth graders [were] 16.4%, 34.1% and 44.8%, respectively† (qtd. in Duarte, Escario, and Molina 90). At present, some people are lobbying to legalize marijuana beyond its medicinal uses. This paper believes that marijuana should not be legalized for all purposes, because of its diverse negative effects on students, especially on their health and academic success. Adolescents are particularly at risk, because cannabis use has been connected to the development of psychotic symptoms (Skinner, Conlon, Gibbons, and McDonald 1). Legalizing marijuana can encourage increased recreational use of marijuana among students, which can have negative effects on their health and academic status. One of the effects of legalizing marijuana is that it can lead to its widespread recreational use, which can result to a greater prevalence of risky behaviors among students. In â€Å"Sending the Wrong Message: Did Medical Marijuana Legalization in California Change Attitudes about and Use of Marijuana?† Khatapoush and Hallfors studied the impact of the legalization of medical marijuana on drug-related attitudes and use among youth in several communities in California and other ten states. They used telephone survey data that included beliefs and experiences related to marijuana use. Findings showed that legalizing marijuana did not encourage more drug use among

Monday, October 14, 2019

Travel and Tourism Essay Example for Free

Travel and Tourism Essay Inbound What is inbound travel? This is when people from other countries come and visit the up and all around the UK for a holiday or the purpose of tourism. For instance a person from Spain coming to visit the UK on holiday Domestic What is domestic travel? This is when UK residents travel around the UK for the sole purpose of tourism. For instance a person from Halifax going on holiday to Blackpool or Whitby The difference within the both inbound and domestic is that people from out of the UK come in to travel and become tourists in the UK and with domestic is when people travel around the UK for a holiday like going to Blackpool etc. A couple from china that would want to visit all of the main capitals in the UK. As the couple from china may have never visited the uk they would not know what to do like getting information or the best places for accommodation therefore I will be explaining everything where to get information from and where to visit. The United Kingdom has four main capital cities: London Edinburgh Belfast Cardiff The Chinese couple would wish to visit all of these main capital cities. When going to another country getting information is key about the city but about everything in general like getting information or finding out where to go the best places to stay etc. and good and an effective website because it has everything that an tourist would need the website is easy to navigate there are maps and brochures that the couple could print of and there is also an 360 degrees virtual map that they could use to get familiar with  London. They also have a customer’s service desk so that if the couple ever needed an information then they would be able to ring them Where to stay within time London has become very successful within the tourist business. See more: The issues concerning identity theft essay What to do? whilst London is an very modern and well developed the city still has its world renown heritage sites that tourists can visit there are over 2123 attractions that they could visit whilst they were in London these consist of the major attractions like the big ben tower of London or even the London eye all of these activities can be booked online and may be cost less than what it would cost to buy the tickets on the day. On the visit London website they do an attraction planner that the couple could download and print so that they can plan there whole activities and that they can get enough activities and attractions that they6 would need to. They are attractions for the couple to see that they may not have to pay for and that they can enjoy for free. The London nightlife in best in the whole country they have the best night clubs in the uk there so if the couple want to go out or if they don’t want to go to the clubs they can go on romantic dinners and there’ s spas all around London 5* Transport getting around London is very easy due to the many different forms of transport there are taxis there are trains cable cars buses and the tube theses are accessible all around the uk and they are very reasonably priced and they are not very expensive at all. For the couple the cheapest thing for them to get would be the oyster card this is an smart card that can be bought on the website and it can be used all around the uk and how many times they would want to it can be used on any time of transport. The couple can buy these cards online and they can also pay for these and they would get theses in advance for when they plan to travel London On the website visit London they have an whole link that shows disabled people how to access London quicker there are special tours that disabled people can access then there are the transport services there is help for them there and the fares are an lot cheaper every  attraction in London has disables toilets and easy accessible stairs or lifts that they would be able to access. For the customer service there is an 24 hour customer help lines that tourist can ring if they are in any types of trouble the number can be found on the visit London website there is also an map so that people don’t get lost their however they are tourist centres all around London so people can go in If they have an questions. There are many places where the couple could go if they wanted to save some money there are the free attractions around London like the museums etc. or if he couple decide to visit the uk on the visit London site there is an navigation below I have an image of the website its shows any types of special offers like discounts on theatre clubs or there is also an list of cheap hotel offers. The cost to vist the uk can vary depending on wwhere abouts in they would want to vistype of holiday for intance an romantic holiday ect below I am going to show the cost pof visting london for 2 nights 3 days Flights- £470 per person - £940 Hotels  £29 per night - £58 Ativities they are many things to do free activies and then they are the heritage sites 18.80 per person etc Food-shops all around of the uk MAXIMUM  £100 1175.5 Edinburgh Edinburgh is the the main capital city of scotland and is known for its amayzing senory and wonderfull countrey side is an tourist attraction that is normall like by maybe mnature people due to it being quite etc. To accsess information about edinbourgh there are so many sites and the sites are all very easy to navigate and there all really easy to acsess there is inofromation about everything on there like accomadation travel things to do etc one of the websites that I found very usefull and very easy to accsess was the vist edinbourgh website.on this website there was an navigation for everything and it was so eay to navigate there was also lots of pictures so we could see what the senery looks like. Becausde edinbourgh is an capital city and is very well known around the world there acomadation range is endless there is somethin there for everybody is ther couple wanted an romantic hotel or if they wanted an cheap budet hotel the hotels arte really easy to accsess and easy to book. Edinbourgh is an city which is mostly known for its countrey side and there are amny different ways to get around there on the visit london website there are naviagtions of getting around edinbourgh and also navigations about how to get around within edinbourgh there are maps and phone numbers for the toursts so they can accsess the information easlya nd they can plan there jurneys.the most used transport that is sued around edinbouirgh is foot most people prefer walking around edinbourgh however there are other forms of transport like cycling,buses and car hires all these are at an cheap price not to expensive There are many activites that are value for money and attractiosn that the couple could go to and not pay for and all of this activities are again found on the website the activites that they could do would be to vist the beaches or walk thorugh the hils or visit the parks and gardens or maybve the meusems or there are also the churches and catedrals however they are other activeities that may be just as fun where the couple may have to pay for like the edinbourgh zoo or thwre are castles,monetery history or they could vist an amazyinbg attraction called the real king marys with in edinbourgh is at an whole different range there are street markets or they are the shopping malls loctaed all around edinbourgh. Custemer service ceneters are located all around the city there are spread out all around the city there are some in the bus and train stationa dn in the shopping centers they are there to help people who may be struggleing or they are lost ther is also accsess to languge books so if the couple have any troubles then they can look through the books and they can also get help there. On all fo the activites there is easy accsaess like less stairs or there are ramps or even lifets there is also different types of accsess for intace if  there was an person who needed something like if they were on an wheel chair then tehyw ould be able to ask the hotel and they would get it there is an link for accses on the vist scotland website. Costs London to edinbourgh on train is  £18.50 per person with is  £37.00 Acomadation 2 nighst 3 days  £120 Activities- £150 Food and drink  £100 Overall cost  £407 Belfast Belfast is located in ireland and is an small but an capital city the city is known all around the world for its amayzing fesivals its picturess senery Because belfast is na capital city there are many diffret websites that the couple could use for information such as the visit belfast webite which was created ansd funded by the government the webite is accurate and everything on the site can be trused so if the couple would like to pay for they holiday before they went to belfast they could trust the website completeley also with the visit belfast website the couple would not ned to use any other website because there is an navigation for everything such as accomadation thing sto do and about belfast the wevbbsite I seasy to navigate and is very easy to understand. Accomadation because belfasrt is not an very big cit they will be an good range however the range wont be as big as it would be in london or edinbourgh and the range they have there is something there for everybody there is the bed and breakfirt there are the romantic hotels and there is something to match everybodys budget.all the couple would have to do would be tio visit the website â€Å"visit belfast† as they can find the range of accomdation. Getting around belfats most people would tend to use foot and if the couple would want to walk around belfast then they would be an seris of maps that they could download and print out or if they would not prfer to wlk then they could go around by taxi or bus or if they would prefer to hire out there own car all they would need to would bring there valid driving licince. Because belfast is an capital city there are custemer service  centers located all around th ecity so if people are lost or in trouble or even want vbasic information they can go in to the custermer service centers however there is an alternative ther can ring the custermer service phone line which is 0 118 500 it also shows number for the emargency services. Things to do in belfast belfast is full of fun educatiinal and amazying things to do there are shopping centers maybe the best in the uk there are asttractions such as the titanic in belfast they have got the titanic tourss,titanic pump and the titanic boat trips abnd the titanic resturants this is all bcuase that’s whtas blefast is known for and its eductaional and intresting if th ecouple would want something different they have alwatys got there famous fesitvals that they could watch freom the free side.if the coupel are luking for an budget holiday they can click on the butten that would say budet and they would find all sorts off amazying activites and attracttiobns that they could do like the botanic gardons or the belfast within belfast is one of th bes in the countrey there are resurants alll over there are budget resturants but also very well preserver historic howver they would be an bit expensive so the couple do have na range according to there budget. Costs Edinbourgh-belfast onplane is  £20 per person with is  £40.00 Acomadation 2 nighst 3 days  £100 Activities- £100 Food and drink  £150 Overall cost  £380.00 Vsist cardiff Wales Capital city youll find unique attractions, top class entertainment and quality shopping with a difference all within walking distance. Innovative architecture sits alongside historic buildings and Cardiff Bay offers entertainment for everyone. Information on Cardiff is very easy to find because eat is an capital city however not every website can be trusted therefore I have chosen to use one website why I know this website can be trusted because it is an website that Is funded by the government therefore the information is correct if the couple would want to plan their whole trip  they could use this whole website except for the travel which they would have to use an website such as easy jet or Thomas cook etc. The website is called visit Cardiff it is very easy to understand and easy to navigate Accommodation the accommodation range within Cardiff is very varied there are 5* or bed and breakfast there is again everything according to the couples budget the hotels can be found according to their star and the hotels are very easy to use and to book and again the website is very secure, however there is an smoking law where none of the couple if they do smoke cannot smoke within the hotel they will be an smoking shelter for them to smoke in. Travel-there is many ways to travel around Belfast there are coach’s buses. Trains walking and they can hire cars the travel system are all very easy and very easy to get hold of if the couple would choose to walk there are maps that they could download and use. There are tourist information centres all around the city so that if the couple so need anything they can drop in to the centres of course free of charge and ask the information about everything and anything there I also an number that the couple could save and whenever they need anything they can ring the number the customer service helpline is an 24 hour website and can be used by anybody .Another way they could get information is if they email the centre regarding any quires and the centre will get to back to the couple as soon as possible. Things to do in Cardiff there are many different places that they could visit in Cardiff and they would never be bored there are attractions for everybody and anybody. They could visit the Cardiff Bay is home to the new BBC Wales studios and is the filming location for Doctor Who, Casualty, Wizards vs Aliens Pobol y Cwm.or if they wanted to do some shopping they could visit the queens arcade this is an shopping centre famous all around the uk. Food places around the city are many there are expensive and cheap hotels they even hold the foodie events so people can try different foods from all around the world. Special offers or budget activities they can visit casinos or there are the sporting activities or even the wonderful castles that Cardiff has to offers so in the city there is something there for everyone and the couple would not get bored. Costs Belfast to cardiff onplane is  £30 per person with is  £60.00 Acomadation 2 nighst 3 days  £120 Activities- £80 Food and drink  £1400 Overall cost  £400 Overall cost for the couple to vsit the uk would be  £2362.50 this would inculde everything food activities travela nd accomadation. The couple from the use can come to UK to visit the main sporting even in the work the Olympics this is the ultimate sporting even that they would want to be a part of. There are man y different website about the Olympics that the group could use it’s an event for everybody and it is an event loved and visited by people from the whole world Information about London and the Olympics is very easy to find like anything that they would need the website that I have found and it is an very interesting website is the Olympics visitors guide on this website there is everything that the group could use to come to the uk and visit the uk however this is not only website there are much more website all they would need to type in would be London 2012 Olympics. Accommodation because this is an event from all around the world London tourist numbers will be at the highest there for accommodation may be difficult to find if it is left to last minute therefore booking in advance on websites wo uld be an good start the easiest and the most cheapest way that the group could accommodate would be if they rented out an house it would be an lot cheaper and it would be an lot closer to the Olympic park. Transport to get form the USA to the UK they would need to catch a plane witch would land in one of the airports. Getting around London is an little bot difficult because of all of the people it would be cheaper for the group to travel around London with either the tube or if they wanted to bus and to walk there is maps all around the city and also there is an virtual 3d map on the visit London website. Customer service there is customer service cabins all around the city and they will be more because of the Olympics it’s so easy to gather information and they could not have a problem with  the language anyways because they speak English Activates the main activity that they are going to do is visit the Olympics however in their spare time there is many different things within London so that they can do there are the nightclubs or there is historical attractions like the tower of London or they could go shopping to shops like Selfridges etc. there are food places spread all round the uk for the group to visit and they are some of the restaurants that are really cheap. Total cost per person 1 week flight from America to united kingdom  £1001 Group of 4 people would cost each person  £100 Olympic seats  £1500 Food- £150 Other activities  £100 Getting around  £150 Total cost  £3001 A family wanting to visit a theme park There are many different theme parks that the family could visit there is an whole verity like flamingo lad, Alton towers, pleasure land, Thorpe park and much much more. The theme park that I am going to chose is pleasure beach Blackpool. The reason why I have chosen pleasure beach Blackpool is because there is rides there for everybody there are rids for children and adult also there is a beach close by that they could visit Access to information is so easy the actual pleasure beach website is really good there is information about everything rides food places prices etc. Because the family are going for a day visit they would not need accommodation Transport there are many different ways of getting to Blackpool however because they live in the UK they are UK residents they may be a chance that they drive to Blackpool or if they want to they can get the train instead. Accessibly there is all of that around the park like push chairs so that parents could push their children around th ere are many different perks like being told in advance they can sort out extra attraction so there is something there for everybody. Customer service there is centres all around there is also some within the theme park and there is a big information centre at the entrance of the theme park where there is information about everything. Cost there are family tickets that would be available for the family to UK which would be a lot cheaper than the separate tickets  £64 There is many activates they can do with blackpoll as well as the rides there are activities that they can do like they can go to shows which are all so cheap and gift shops etc. or they can go out on to the beach which is free of cost and they would not be paying for anything at all. Total cost Travel  £50 Food  £50 Tickets  £64 Other costs  £100 Total Costs  £264 A couple who want a quite stay at a city Edinburgh Edinburgh is the the main capital city of scotland and is known for its amayzing senory and wonderfull countrey side is an tourist attraction that is normall like by maybe mnature people due to it being quite etc. To accsess information about edinbourgh there are so many sites and the sites are all very easy to navigate and there all really easy to acsess there is inofromation about everything on there like accomadation travel things to do etc one of the websites that I found very usefull and very easy to accsess was the vist edinbourgh website.on this website there was an navigation for everything and it was so eay to navigate there was also lots of pictures so we could see what the senery looks like. Becausde edinbourgh is an capital city and is very well known around the world there acomadation range is endless there is somethin there for everybody is ther couple wanted an romantic hotel or if they wanted an cheap budet hotel the hotels arte really easy to accsess and easy to book. Edinbourgh is an city which is mostly known for its countrey side and there  are amny different ways to get around there on the visit london website there are naviagtions of getting around edinbourgh and also navigations about how to get around within edinbourgh there are maps and phone numbers for the toursts so they can accsess the information easlya nd they can plan there jurneys.the most used transport that is sued around edinbouirgh is foot most people prefer walking around edinbourgh however there are other forms of transport like cycling,buses and car hires all these are at an cheap price not to expensive. There are many activites that are value for money and attractiosn that the couple could go to and not pay for and all of this activities are again found on the website the activites that they could do would be to vist the beaches or walk thorugh the hils or visit the parks and gardens or maybve the meusems or there are also the churches and catedrals however they are other activeities that may be just as fun where the couple may have to pay for like the edinbourgh zoo or thwre are castles,monetery history or they could vist an amazyinbg attraction called the real king marys with in edinbourgh is at an whole different range there are street markets or they are the shopping malls loctaed all around edinbourgh. Custemer service ceneters are located all around the city there are spread out all around the city there are some in the bus and train stationa dn in the shopping centers they are there to help people who may be struggleing or they are lost ther is also accsess to languge books so if the couple have any troubles then they can look through the books and they can also get help there. On all fo the activites there is easy accsaess like less stairs or there are ramps or even lifets there is also different types of accsess for intace if there was an person who needed something like if they were on an wheel chair then tehyw ould be able to ask the hotel and they would get it there is an link for accses on the vist scotland website. Costs London to edinbourgh on train is  £18.50 per person with is  £37.00 Acomadation 1 week  £200 Activities- £150 Food and drink  £100 Overall cost  £487

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Planning, Leading And Controlling in Management

Planning, Leading And Controlling in Management In the era of modernisation these days, it appears that the purpose of managers in every single organisation is becoming so essential that we are required to understand the real concept behind management as well as the actual tasks performed by a manager. An understanding of the nature of management is vital for all members of society because all of us will at home stage to be a manager, and an understanding of the concept will enable us to become more effective in that role. Throughout the development of management, there are classical theories of management and modern management theory. Henri Fayol and Henry Mintzberg are both key figures in the management theories today and they are also both internationally renowned academic and authors on business and management with many articles and many books written. Henri Fayol (1841 1925) a French management theorist and managing director of a French mining company, is frequently seen as an essential early contributor to classical school of management theoies or more particularly, administrative management. He believed that management is an acquired skill and can therefore be taught. He wanted to introduce a set of principles that all organisations can apply in order to run properly. He built his theory of the five management functions upon personal observation and experience whilst he was working with French mining organisations, to find what worked well in terms of organisation. This theory was introduced in 1916. These functions serve the purpose of predicting the future of the environment and planning a relevant business strategy, developing a social and technical structure to the organisation, managing the activities of the staff, integrating plans and activities across the organisation and ensuring conformity with the plan via authority and feedback mechanisms to correct inappropriate activity but as he wrote his works in French it was not until some time afterwards that his management functions were recognised worldwide. The five functions were planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling. Planning This is the first tool of the four functions in the management process. The difference between a successful and unsuccessful manager lies within the planning procedure. Planning is the logical thinking through goals and making the decision as to what needs to be accomplished in order to reach the organizations objectives. Managers use this process to plan for the future, like a blueprint to foresee problems, decide on the actions to evade difficult issues and to beat the competition. Planning is the first step in management and is essential as it facilitates control, valuable in decision making and in the avoidance of business ruin. Organizing In order to reach the objective outlined in the planning process, structuring the work of the organization is a vital concern. Organization is a matter of appointing individuals to assignments or responsibilities that blend together to develop one purpose, to accomplish the goals. These goals will be reached in accordance with the companys values and procedures. A manager must know their subordinates and what they are capable of in order to organize the most valuable resources a company has, its employees. (Bateman, Snell, 2007). This is achieved through management staffing the work division, setting up the training for the employees, acquiring resources, and organizing the work group into a productive team. The manager must then go over the plans with the team, break the assignments into units that one person can complete, link related jobs together in an understandable well-organized style and appoint the jobs to individuals. (Allen, G., 1998). Leading Organizational success is determined by the quality of leadership that is exhibited. A leader can be a manager, but a manager is not necessarily a leader, says Gemmy Allen (1998). Leadership is the power of persuasion of one person over others to inspire actions towards achieving the goals of the company. Those in the leadership role must be able to influence/motivate workers to an elevated goal and direct themselves to the duties or responsibilities assigned during the planning process. (Allen, G., 1998). Leadership involves the interpersonal characteristic of a managers position that includes communication and close contact with team members. (Bateman, Snell, 2007). Controlling The process that guarantees plans are being implemented properly is the controlling process. Henri Fayol stated that Controlling is the final link in the functional chain of management activities and brings the functions of management cycle full circle. This allows for the performance standard within the group to be set and communicated. Control allows for ease of delegating tasks to team members and as managers may be held accountable for the performance of subordinates, they may be wise to extend timely feedback of employee accomplishments. Henry Mintzberg was born September in Montreal, September 2, 1939. He was an internationally renowned academic and author on business and management. He is married to Sasha Sadilova and has two children from a previous marriage, Susie and Lisa. Henry Mintzberg is an internationally renowned academic and author who write prolifically on the topics of management and business strategy, with more than 150 articles and fifteen books to his name. He came up with the roles of management, which he believes cover most of the things a manager will encounter in their job. The reality of management is that the pressures of the job drive the manager to take on too much work, encourage interruption, respond to every stimulus, seek the tangible and avoid the abstract, make decisions in small increments. Mintzbergs key contribution was to highlight the importance of understanding CEOs time management and tasks in order to be able to improve their work and develop their skills appropriately. ÂÂ  these normative systems. Mintzberg does not assume ex-ante what an (in)effective or (non)successful manager entails. He also neglects the relationship between managerial behaviour and organisational effectiveness. Furthermore, he takes a neutral position on the managerial role omitting influences such as ownership and power. Identified contingency factors explain differences in the make-up of managerial work.The empirical study is based on five organisations in action. The small sample size means that the results should not be applied to all industry, organisations or management positions. In his 1973 study, Mintzberg declared that the managers position is always the starting point in organisational analysis. He also argued that managerial roles are sequential a manager first makes interpersonal contact through his formal status which in turn allows information processing and leads to decision making. Mintzberg later rejected this relationship based on new empirical data. The term management roles refers to specific categories of managerial behaviour, and Mintzberg concluded that what managers do, can be described by studying ten different and interrelated roles, grouped around interpersonal relationships, transfer of information, and last, but not least, decision making. Interpersonal Roles The ones that, like the name suggests, involve people and other ceremonial duties. Leader Responsible for staffing, training, and associated duties. Figurehead The symbolic head of the organization. Liaison Maintains the communication between all contacts and informers that compose the organizational network. Informational Roles Related to collecting, receiving, and disseminating information. Monitor Personally seek and receive information, to be able to understand the organization. Disseminator Transmits all import information received from outsiders to the members of the organization. Spokesperson On the contrary to the above role, here the manager transmits the organizations plans, policies and actions to outsiders. Decisional Roles Roles that revolve around making choices. Entrepreneur Seeks opportunities. Basically they search for change, respond to it, and exploit it. Negotiator Represents the organization at major negotiations. Resource Allocator Makes or approves all significant decisions related to the allocation of resources. Disturbance Handler Responsible for corrective action when the organization faces disturbances. Comparison Fayol identifies five elements of management- planning, organising, co-ordinating, commanding and controlling all of which he believed were necessary to facilitate the management process. In comparison Mintzberg considers management activities to fall within three broad groups- interpersonal, informational and decisional which encompass his ten management roles of figurehead, leader, liaison, spokesperson, disseminator, monitor, resource allocator, entrepreneur, disturbance handler and negotiator. Although due to their differences, these theories can be treated as competing views, both can also be perceived as reinforcing the other as many parallels and similarities intrinsically exist. Consequentially the term managerial style combines the two theories. Mintzberg obtained his theory as a result of research based on observation. Hence, his roles directly depict what managers do. He argues that Fayols functions do not describe the actual work of managers at all; they describe certain vague objectives of managerial work (Mintzberg 1971). As he observed the managers in his research, he found that all activities captured at lease one of his ten roles in practice whereas they could not be simplified to be known singularly as one of Fayols functions. For example, a manager sending a memo out to subordinates informing them of the outcome of the mornings meeting is directly taking on the informational role of disseminator- providing internal personnel with information obtained either external or internal of the organisation.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Online Communities or Mental Pictures? :: Internet Communication Chats Essays

Online Communities or Mental Pictures? It was 11:00 p.m. on a Tuesday night. I sat at my computer typing and anxiously waiting for a response. â€Å"Hello how is everyone tonight?† â€Å"I am from Virginia, where are all of you from?† No one responded to anything I said. I tried again, â€Å"Does anyone want to chat?† Again, I was ignored. I felt lonely, confused, and upset. â€Å"What is wrong with me?† I thought to myself. I hated knowing that I was the one being rejected in this so-called â€Å"community.† Are there really such things as â€Å"online communities?† Can you form friendships with the people you come across in an online community? There are many claims that there are such things as online communities. That is true if you classify a community as â€Å"a group of people having common interests† ( but having a common interest did not play a significant role in the forum I worked with. Online communities can be overrated and not meet the standards for which they are intended if the people participating do not follow the proposed rules and are not there for the correct reasons. In fact, when I was in the Teen Chat room no one talked about fashion, which is the topic of the site. In the discussion forum, some of the posts were off of the subject. Some online communities may appropriately be classified as a â€Å"community†, but the teen forum that I participated in was not a virtual community. Online communities are not physical places , instead they are a state of mind; a place which exists only in the mind of the participant. I participated in an online community in the Student Center which is just a site dedicated to teens. From this site, you can access many other sites such as: â€Å"diaries,† â€Å"teen forums,† â€Å"groups,† â€Å"tests,† etc. I accessed the teen forum section where you can choose many different topics under the four main categories. The categories are Advice and Sexuality, Entertainment, General, and Information. Under each category you can choose a specific subject of your interest such as: dating and relationships, health and fitness, sexuality, fashion, sports, music, movies, religion, and job search, along with others and be involved with it. I chose a teen forum focused on fashion because I really enjoy learning about different styles.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Effect of Communication Barriers and Overcoming These Barriers

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you, Mr. Chairman for letting me speak. Let me introduce myself before we go to the topic. My name Mrs. Aida as a Public Speaking Trainer. Firstly, I want to explain to all of you what is communication? Communication is a process beginning with a sender who encodes the message and passes it through some channel to the receiver who decodes the message. Communication is fruitful if and only if the messages sent by the sender is interpreted with same meaning by the receiver. If any kind of disturbance blocks any step of communication, the message will be destroyed.Due to such disturbances, managers in an organization face severe problems. Thus the managers must locate such barriers and take steps to get rid of them. There are several barriers that affects the flow of communication in an organization. These barriers interrupt the flow of communication from the sender to the reciever, thus making communication ineffective. It is essential for ma nagers to overcome these barriers. The main barriers of communication are summarized below. â€Å"Ladies and gentlemen,† Firstly let me explain one of communication barriers is Perceptual and Language Differences.Perception is generally how each individual interprets the world around him. All generally want to receive messages which are significant to them. But any message which is against their values is not accepted. A same event may be taken differently by different individuals. For example : A person is on leave for a month due to personal reasons (family member being critical). The HR Manager might be in confusion whether to retain that employee or not, the immediate manager might think of replacement because his teams productivity is being hampered, the family members might take him as an emotional support.Secondly is Information Overload. Managers are surrounded with a pool of information. It is essential to control this information flow else the information is likely to be misinterpreted or forgotten or overlooked. As a result communication is less effective. The next barriers was Time Pressures:  Often in organization the targets have to be achieved within a specified time period, the failure of which has adverse consequences. In a haste to meet deadlines, the formal channels of communication are shortened, or messages are partially given, i. e. , not completely transferred.Thus sufficient time should be given for effective communication. â€Å"Ladies and gentlemen,† Distraction/Noise:  Communication is also affected a lot by noise to distractions. Physical distractions are also there such as, poor lightning, uncomfortable sitting, unhygienic room also affects communication in a meeting. Similarly use of loud speakers interferes with communication. Emotions:  Emotional state at a particular point of time also affects communication. If the receiver feels that communicator is angry he interprets that the information being sent is ver y bad.While he takes it differently if the communicator is happy and jovial (in that case the message is interpreted to be good and interesting). Complexity in Organizational Structure:  Greater the hierarchy in an organization (i. e. more the number of managerial levels), more is the chances of communication getting destroyed. Only the people at the top level can see the overall picture while the people at low level just have knowledge about their own area and a little knowledge about other areas. Poor retention:  Human memory cannot function beyond a limit.One cant always retain what is being told specially if he is not interested or not attentive. This leads to communication breakdown. So, how we as a manager to overcome these barriers of communicate? There are a lot of communication barriers faced these days by all. The message intended by the sender is not understood by the receiver in the same terms and sense and thus communication breakdown occurs. It is essential to deal and cope up with these communication barriers so as to ensure smooth and effective communication. As, in the previous section we have discussed the major barriers of communication.Let’s talk about  how to overcome these barriers of communication. Eliminating differences in perception:  The organization should ensure that it is recruiting right individuals on the job. It’s the responsibility of the interviewer to ensure that the interviewee has command over the written and spoken language. There should be proper Induction program so that the policies of the company are clear to all the employees. There should be proper trainings conducted for required employees (for eg: Voice and Accent training). Use of Simple Language:  Use of simple and clear words should be emphasized.Use of ambiguous words and jargons should be avoided. Reduction and elimination of noise levels:  Noise is the main communication barrier which must be overcome on priority basis. It is essent ial to identify the source of noise and then eliminate that source. Active Listening:  Listen attentively and carefully. There is a difference between â€Å"listening† and â€Å"hearing†. Active listening means hearing with proper understanding of the message that is heard. By asking questions the speaker can ensure whether his/her message is understood or not by the receiver in the same terms as intended by the speaker.Emotional State:  During communication one should make effective use of body language. He/she should not show their emotions while communication as the receiver might misinterpret the message being delivered. For example, if the conveyer of the message is in a bad mood then the receiver might think that the information being delivered is not good. Simple Organizational Structure:  The organizational structure should not be complex. The number of hierarchical levels should be optimum. There should be a ideal span of control within the organization. Simpler the organizational structure, more effective will be the communication. Avoid Information Overload:  The managers should know how to prioritize their work. They should not overload themselves with the work. They should spend quality time with their subordinates and should listen to their problems and feedbacks actively. Give Constructive Feedback:  Avoid giving negative feedback. The contents of the feedback might be negative, but it should be delivered constructively. Constructive feedback will lead to effective communication between the superior and subordinate.Proper Media Selection:  The managers should properly select the medium of communication. Simple messages should be conveyed orally, like: face to face interaction or meetings. Use of written means of communication should be encouraged for delivering complex messages. For significant messages reminders can be given by using written means of communication such as : Memos, Notices etc. Flexibility in meeting the targets:  For effective communication in an organization the managers should ensure that the individuals are meeting their targets timely without skipping the formal channels of communication.There should not be much pressure on employees to meet their targets. Conclusion Communication is a process of exchange of information between two or more people. Barriers that affect the process of communication can be reduced if the presenter and receiver of information to understand the role and duties of each in securing an effective communication process. By ensuring that the principles of communication clear, concise, accurate, complete and politely complied with, will allow this communication to achieve the desired goals.Hence all obstacles and weaknesses in achieving effective communication should be addressed and improved to enhance the importance of communication in everyday life. Overcome barriers to communication within the organization to ensure the free flow of information betw een sender and receiver and for effective communication among employees. Effective communication reduce error rates, reduce conflict and an understanding of and increase the profits of the organization. And we as managers must try their best to avoid communication barriers within the organization for effective business communication.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Gender and Sexulaity

Jackie Pappas Professor Winchock ENWR 106-AN March 5, 2013 Paper #2 – Middle Draft Gender & Sexuality Our everyday lives are greatly affected by ones gender and sexuality. They shape who we are and define our identities. Society expects a certain gender to behave in a specific way and if this does not happen, one is seen as shameful and wrong, leaving the individual to feel defeated and out of place. In society only a few decades ago, women were meant to be silent and restricted. Men were the superior ones who had a voice. They freely got to do whatever they pleased.In Julia Avarez’ â€Å"Daughter of Invention and Judith Ortiz Cofer’s poem â€Å"The Changeling,† women were restricted of their true identities and their voices were silenced by the Ppallogocentric order. As a female in society, one was not permitted to speak freely of her opinions because of men. She must remain silent. It is evident that the narrator, often referred to as Cukita, in â€Å" Daughter of Invention† cannot speak what she wants. She reads poems from a book her father bought her written by Walt Whitman. She reads his free words; words he can openly speak. These are words of â€Å"a flesh and blood man† (Alvarez 14).Because Walt Whitman was a man, he could speak and write what he so choose. However, when Cukita â€Å"plagiarizes† his words, because she was a woman, she was not â€Å"permitted† to read her work at the assembly for which she was writing. When she read her speech to her mother, her mother beamed with pride. It was quite the opposite when she read this speech to her father. He was shocked that his wife would let their daughter read the speech she wrote. â€Å"You will permit her to read that? † (Alvarez 15) Cukita’s father said as if she needed permission to speak what she believes. As your father, I forbid you to say that eh-speech! † (Alvarez 15). Since he was a man, he had the final say in what h is daughter said. He could say whatever he liked but his daughter, because she was a woman, could not. Women were expected to be silent and could only speak in the male voice. We see the silence of a girl in Cofer’s â€Å"The Changeling. † In this poem, the speaker recalls a memory of when she was a young girl. She dressed in her brother’s military clothes which â€Å"[molded her] into boy shape† (Cofer 725). Her father found it very amusing. He would listen with a smile† (Cofer 725). She loved dressing up as a boy and pleasing her father because it was the only time he noticed her. The speaker pretended to tell stories of her times in the war as a man and this was the time that her father would pay attention to her. The only time he would listen to her words was when she was speaking in his voice – in a man’s voice. All other times, her words were not important to her father; they did not matter to him because she was not his son, she was his daughter. Females were restricted in what they could say and do.Women were not allowed to do as they pleased. They were limited not only in what they said but what they could do. In â€Å"Daughter of Invention,† Cukita’s mother liked to work on her inventions. â€Å"She always invented at night, after settling her house down† (Alvarez 10). The mother could only work on her projects after she had completed her obligations as a woman. It was a woman’s responsibility to take care of the house and keep her husband and family happy; putting her wants and wishes aside until these are taken care of first. Even her inventions were restricted.She would not invent things that would help the world as a whole but come up with ideas that would only help with your everyday life, particularly for the typical American woman. When discussing her inventions and why they did not help the greater good, â€Å"she would have said that was for men to do† (Alvare z 10). This shows that she was not allowed to create what she really wanted to invent. American women were not the only women who were restricted. It was common for women to be restricted all over the world. The narrator, Cukita, talked about the fact that her mother did not want to return home. She did not want to go back to the old country where she was only a wife and a mother† (Alvarez 14). In the Dominican Republic under Trujillo’s rule, women were only expected to be two things: a wife and a mother. They were restricted to being anything but. They did not have permission to explore their interests such as inventing. Women were expected to take care of the house and the family and if they did anything else, saying they’d be in trouble is an understatement. Women were not allowed to be free to be who they are. Women were expected to only take care of the family and the house even if they wanted to do something else.It is still joked about today all over the I nternet that women belong in the kitchen. While it is meant as a harmless joke, it is a reality for others. For example, it was a reality for the speaker in â€Å"The Changeling. † While her father was very amused with his daughter dressing as a man, her mother was not. When it was time for the family to sit down for dinner, the mother â€Å"[forbad her] from sitting down with them as a man† (Cofer 725). The mother felt that when her daughter dressed in her brother’s clothes, it was distracting her from being a girl.She is forced to go back into the closet to change back into her expected outfit. The speaker, who once saw a closet full of adventure, then saw the same closet as a dark space (Cofer 725). When she emerged from the closet, back into reality, she walked back into â€Å"the real world of her [mother’s] kitchen† (Cofer 725). For the speaker, a woman belonging in the kitchen was no laughing matter; it was her reality. She longed to be able to do the things a man did but she could not because she was a restricted woman. She wished to have the same power that a man did.After explaining about how powerless a woman was, it is clear that men were the superior ones. In â€Å"Daughter of Invention† after the father disapproved of his daughter’s speech, the mother and daughter felt the need to â€Å"rebel† and â€Å"join forces† (Alvarez 16) against the father. They knew that he was the man in charge. They could not simply tell him what he was doing was wrong and they certainly could not do it alone. It took two women to stand up to one man and they still lost, the father tearing his daughter’s speech to shreds, tearing her to shreds in turn. As the father, he had the final say on what happened.After calling her father the hated nickname of their former dictator Trujillo, the narrator ran to her room. Her father â€Å"ordered [her] on his authority as [her] father to open that door† (Alvarez 16). Because he was a man, he held the power in the house. He got free reign to tell his daughters and wife what to do and they must obey. In Dominican Republic, men were so superior that giving birth to a daughter was not as great as giving birth to a son. A mother was seen as a failure if she did not give birth to a son. When Cukita and her mother went into the father’s room, â€Å"his face rightened as if at long last his wife had delivered a son† (Alvarez 15). Fathers were happier when their wives bore them a son. There were fathers who did not pay attention to their children if they were not a boy. In â€Å"The Changeling,† the speaker must â€Å"[vie] for [her] father’s attention† (Cofer 725). Because she was not a man, the only way she could get her father to notice her was to dress, speak, and act like the son he always wanted her to be. After he mother made her change back into the girl she was supposed to be, she â€Å"return[ed ] invisible† (Cofer 725).Since she was no longer dressed as the superior man her father so wanted her to be, he did not pay any mind to her and she felt as if she was no one; as if she was invisible. It is because of her gender that she did not fit into society. Gender plays a major role in our everyday lives. Men and women were expected to act in a specific manner or otherwise they end up defeated. Women were meant to keep their thoughts and opinions silent. They were also not allowed to act as freely as they would like. Women were restricted in what they said and did.Because women were so repressed, it was evident that men were the superior ones. In modern society, women have earned the right to be treated as equally and as fairly as men. However, there are still some areas in society where women are more oppressed than men are. Works Cited Alvarez, Julia. â€Å"Daughter of Invention. † Approaching Literature. Eds. Peter Schakel and Jack Ridl. Boston: Bedford/St. Mart in’s, 2012. 10-19. Cofer, Judith Ortiz. â€Å"The Changeling. † Approaching Literature. Eds. Peter Schakel and Jack Ridl. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2012. 725.